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Writer's picture: Jeffrey RamJeffrey Ram

Toronto, Canada      Jeffrey S. Ram, Editor    September 4, 2024


India: A  candlelight vigil in the capital Imphal to honor the Kuki-Zo Christian martyrs who lost their lives in the ethnic riots in Prime Minister Modi-led Bhartiya Janata Party government-ruled Manipur state. More than 300 churches and thousands of homes were set on fire, and hundreds of Christians were brutally murdered.

 The Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Seoul, Korea (September 22-28, 2024) is significant for the global Christian community. The increasing religious persecution of Christians requires Christians worldwide to unite and plan effective strategies to protect Christian minorities. Global evangelism should begin with consolidating the gains of past evangelists, preachers, and missionaries. The Lausanne Congress can catalyze united action in this fraternal mission.

Understanding the Context of Persecution

 Christian persecution affects tens of millions globally. Christian minorities are victims of violent attacks by extremist groups and systemic discrimination by governments. The Open Doors’ World Watch List ranks 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. These countries include North Korea, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Iran, Afghanistan, and China.

 This reality of severe persecution of Christians stresses the need and urgency for a coordinated global response.

The Role of the Lausanne Movement

 The Lausanne Movement was founded in 1974 by Evangelist Billy Graham. Its mission is to mobilize the global church to engage in world evangelization. The Lausanne Conferences, which occur every few years, provide a platform for discussing significant global issues affecting Christians. The upcoming Lausanne Congress in Korea is an opportunity to include the focus on advocacy for persecuted Christians as an integral part of evangelism. It will also align with the movement's core mission of fostering global unity.

Key Objectives for the Congress

1.    Creating Awareness and Sharing Information

 The first step towards mobilizing action is to raise awareness. The Lausanne Congress can serve as a global forum to share firsthand accounts and detailed reports on the conditions faced by persecuted Christians. The congress can emphasize the urgent need for intervention.

2.    Formulating a Unified Strategy

 Unity is a powerful tool in advocacy. The Lausanne Congress can facilitate the creation of a unified strategy for addressing Christian minorities’ persecution. This gathering of leaders from diverse Christian denominations and organizations can help develop a cohesive approach that includes advocacy, humanitarian aid, and strategic lobbying.

 This strategy could involve:

o   Advocacy and Lobbying: Mobilizing Christian communities to advocate for policy changes in their countries and at international forums.

o   Humanitarian Support: Coordinating relief efforts and support for persecuted communities.

o   Diplomatic Efforts: Engaging with governments and international bodies to pressure regimes that are known for persecuting Christians.

 By creating a unified front, the global Christian community can engage in more effective action and increase the likelihood of relief for Christian minorities.

3.    Strengthening Partnerships

 Partnerships with secular organizations, human rights groups, and other faith communities can enhance the effectiveness of efforts to protect persecuted Christians. The Lausanne Congress can act as a bridge, fostering collaborations between Christian groups and these organizations.

4.    Empowering Local Leaders and Communities

 While global efforts are crucial, local action is equally important. The Lausanne Congress can focus on empowering local Christian leaders and communities on the front lines of persecution. Providing training, resources, and financial support to these leaders can enhance their ability to respond effectively to threats and support their communities.

5.    Developing a Long-Term Vision

 Addressing Christian persecution requires a long-term commitment. The Lausanne Congress should focus on developing a strategic plan that includes immediate and long-term goals. This plan could outline specific objectives, such as:

o   Short-Term Relief: Immediate aid and support for affected communities.

o   Medium-Term Initiatives: Programs aimed at reducing vulnerability and building resilience.

o   Long-Term Solutions: Advocacy for systemic changes and efforts to address the root causes of persecution.

 Establishing a task force or committee to oversee the implementation of this plan can ensure that progress is monitored and that the global Christian community remains engaged over time.

Implementing the Conference’s Outcomes

 The success of the Lausanne Congress will depend on how effectively its outcomes are implemented. To ensure that the conference leads to tangible results, the following steps should be considered:

1.    Communication and Follow-Up:

 Clear communication of the conference’s outcomes is essential. This includes sharing action plans, progress reports, and success stories. Regular follow-up meetings and updates can keep the momentum going and maintain engagement from all stakeholders.

2.    Accountability Mechanisms:

 Establishing accountability mechanisms will help ensure that commitments made at the Congress are honored. This could involve creating a monitoring system to track progress and address challenges.

3.    Engaging the Broader Christian Community:

 Engaging the broader Christian community is crucial to sustain the impact of Congress. This can be achieved through church networks, Christian media, and educational initiatives. Encouraging grassroots involvement can increase/expand the global community's efforts and create a more effective support system for persecuted Christians.


 The Congress can mobilize Christians globally by focusing on awareness, unified strategy, partnerships, local empowerment, and long-term vision. With concerted effort and divine guidance, the Christians worldwide at Lausanne Congress can significantly advance the cause of worldwide evangelization and protection for persecuted Christians globally.


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