Written by: Jeffrey S. Ram, Toronto, Canada, April 6, 2021
April 22 is Earth Day. According to EDN (Earth Day Network), the organizing body for Earth Day global event, the theme for Earth Day 2021 is “Restore Our Earth.” EDN has planned “Three Days of Climate Action” from April 20 to 22. Over 1 billion people around the world will participate on April 22. We should actively participate in EDN’S Earth Day activities to Restore Our Earth. Also, there are many other groups and organizations worldwide that are engaged in programs to improve the environment. We should get involved in an area of our interest and support this noble cause.
ORGANIZATIONS that are planning Earth Day activities can partner with earthday.org, share their logos, and use their toolkit to help them prepare.
Please go to the earthday.org website for more information and to register to participate in its events.
For those who are interested in various activities during the year, earthday.org suggests 51 actions. Some of them are:
1. Participate in EARTHDAY.ORG’s many initiatives, both local and global, to Restore Our Earth.
2. Be a part of the change. Change your diet to fight climate change! Try participating in meatless Mondays! Check out some plant-based recipes. Reduce your meat consumption to curb carbon emissions from the livestock industry. Try growing your organic garden!
3. Advocate for governments to make climate change and climate literacy a core feature of the school curriculum. Furthermore, teachers can incorporate EARTHDAY.ORG’s environmental education resources into their classroom by planning a lesson. Also, advocate for more substantial environmental commitments from your college or university.
4. Teach-ins play a significant role in providing communities with the knowledge they need to advocate for a cleaner, more secure future. Plan an effective teach-in that will bring your community together and take steps to Restore Our Earth!
5. With the Global Earth Challenge app, anyone can be a citizen scientist! Through a mobile app, this initiative helps monitor and mitigate threats to environmental and human health. Download today and collect environmental data near you!
6. Calculate your carbon footprint and make changes to reduce it.
7. Individual and small group cleanups can have a significant positive impact on your community. Global change comes from local action. Earthday.org offers some tips to organize your cleanup.
8. Use Earth Day 2021 action toolkit to find ways to further the climate discussion across the globe.
9. With the Global Earth Challenge app, you can take photos of the horizon to help scientists estimate air quality through lightwaves in your photo. Help advocate for cleaner air near you.
10. Pledge to use a reusable grocery bag. Please write a letter or call your local elected leaders, urging them to ban plastic bags and other single-use plastic items.
11. Always read labels! Use environmentally-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products to avoid washing toxic chemicals down the drain!
12. Save electricity and turn off lights when you leave the room.
Note: A subscriber from Toronto, Canada, advised to add:
Cars create a lot of pollution; so, things like trying to walk or bicycle to close places, carpool in groups, take public transit, driving a hybrid or electric car can help reduce pollution.
Human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans. – Evo Morales
For a sustainable environment, we should take a long-term view and implement a remediation plan to Restore Our Earth. We should change our attitude and practices that harm the environment. We should urge our governments to pass laws to limit the exploitation of nature and restrict the use of natural resources. The governments should reconcile future economic development with environmental protection. People across the world are concerned about the environment and taking action to improve it. We should join them to Restore Our Earth because it is vital for us, our children, and our grandchildren.
[Toronto, Canada-based, ReformAdvocate.com aims to encourage religious and racial minorities, immigrants, women and other weaker groups to become more powerful and prosperous. The subscription is free. Please subscribe.]
(if you have any suggestions to make the blog more effective and useful, please write to editor Jeffrey S. Ram at ram@reformadvocate.com)
