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Protect Christian Minorities, Put Pressure on Persecutors

Writer's picture: Jeffrey RamJeffrey Ram

The persecution of Christian minorities for their belief by the majoritarian religious parties and governments will not stop unless there are severe consequences like trade sanctions and boycotts. Prayers are not enough. Christian majorities can protect Christian minorities only by putting pressure on the persecutor governments and societies.

Written by: Jeffrey Ram, Toronto, Canada, November 17, 2020

On the first two Sundays of November, Christians worldwide observed the International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for the Persecuted Church organized by the World Evangelistic Alliance (WEA). This year's theme was "One With Them." According to Mr. Godfrey Yogarajah, executive director of the WEA Religious Liberty Commission, "Them" are the 260 million Christians in the world who suffer persecution because of their faith. Every day eight Christians sacrifice their lives as martyrs for their faith. WEA also informed that the number of Christians has declined in Iraq and Syria in the Middle East.

Mr. Sam Brownback, US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, acknowledged in October, "The state of religious freedom is dire." In an interview, Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, the newly-appointed CEO of the World Evangelical Alliance, said that Christians in Western countries must "speak up" for those persecuted for their faith.

In the opinion of Ms. Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, "Human rights are not just about being free from coercion, discrimination and abuse. They are also about living our lives to the fullest potential. Human rights oblige states to safeguard our freedoms and strive to ensure dignity, justice and inclusion for all."

According to a Pew Research report released for IDOP, Christians were the most victimized religious group. They suffered arrest, discrimination, and assault in 108 countries.

Every year, Open Doors' World Watch lists 50 places worldwide where Christians suffer most oppression because of their faith. Open Doors 2020 World Watch List (WWL) data of the top 50 countries where Christians face a high level of persecution "indicates Christian persecution is higher today than at any other time in modern history."

According to Open Doors 2020 World Watch data, in 2019:

· Over 260 million Christians were living in places where they experience high levels of persecution.

· 2,983 Christians were killed for their faith.

· 9,488 churches and other Christian buildings were attacked.

· 3,711 believers were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced, or imprisoned.

· Worldwide,1 in 8 Christians experienced high levels of persecution.

· In seven countries of the World Watch List's top 10, Islamic oppression was the main cause of persecution.

· Six years ago, only North Korea was noted for the "extreme" level of Christians' persecution. In 2019, the number went up to 11.

Open Doors' World Watch List's Top Ten Countries- From Extreme persecution to Very high persecution are:

1.North Korea 2.Afghanistan 3.Somalia 4.Libya 5. Pakistan 5. Eritrea

6.Eritrea 7.Sudan 8. Yemen 9.Iran 10.India

The persecution of Christian minorities continues unabated in Africa and Asia. The Western governments continue business as usual with the culprit nations and provide some of them with security and military aid. Their nudge-nudge-wink-wink approach encourages Islamic, Hindu, and Buddhist extremists to continue savagery against Christian and other religious minorities in Africa and Asia.

Christian minorities pray and cry for help. Christian individuals, groups, and churches in the Western countries empathize with them, but there is no organized effort to urge their governments to intercede to stop these human rights crimes. Most Christians are not activists, but they can write a few lines to their parliament or congress members or senators and the opposition parties' leaders to urge the External Affairs Minister or Secretary of State to intervene on behalf of suffering Christian minorities.

Christian social and political activists can lead in organizing lobbying activities for this cause. Young Christians who are well-versed in social media skills can create general awareness and generate lobbying support.

Most of these perpetrator nations have signed the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). They should be required to carry out their obligation and provide protection to Christian minorities. The Western governments should raise the issues directly with the offender governments and the United Nations and other international organizations to stop the violence and atrocities against the victimized Christians.

The persecution of Christian minorities for their belief by the majoritarian religious parties and governments will not stop unless there are severe consequences like trade sanctions and boycotts. Prayers are not enough. Christian majorities can protect Christian minorities only by putting pressure on the persecutor governments and societies.

Blessing: May God Bless You, Your Family and Friends, and Make You A Blessing to Others.

(Reform Advocate/ WorldChristian blog is published on the Tuesday of the third week every month)



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